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MCPLOTS is a simple browsable repository of MC (Monte Carlo) plots comparing High Energy Physics event generators to a wide variety of available experimental data, for tuning and reference purposes. Apart from individual plots contained in papers and presentations, there has not previously been any central database where people can quickly see how tune X of version Y of generator Z looks on distribution D. The idea with mcplots is to provide such a repository, mainly based on the Rivet analysis tool.
The millions of different possible combinations of beam energies, cuts, generators, versions, and tunes, means that a lot of attention has been paid to how to simplify the site, in particular how to organize the site visually, and how to minimize the number of user clicks/inputs required to get what you want. The current site is based on a prototype developed by P. Skands in the context of workshops in Les Houches and Perugia [LH08, Ska10], but obviously it also draws heavily on the lessons and tools developed as part of the JetWeb project, in particular the Rivet analysis tool.

The team

peter anton natalia

P. Skands, A. Karneyeu, N. Korneeva.

Missing an interesting Analysis / Plot / Tune / Generator? Something is wrong or unclear? Contact us: P. Skands ( and A. Karneyeu ( and N. Korneeva (

Funds may be available to support development and integration of new features / new analyses / new tools on the site. Contact us if you have a project to propose and would be interested in a short-term stay at CERN.


The MCPlots site is being developed with participation by
CERN Theory Group
MCnet Monte Carlo network
CERN Generator Services project
CERN LHC Physics Center (LPCC)